Real estate investment is an excellent way to level up your life. No matter what stage of life you are in, you can get started. Whether you have a lot of money to invest or just a little, there are ways to make your real estate dreams come true! Learn more about how to do it in our latest post!
As they say, most of the world’s millionaires got that way through real estate. Real estate investment brings solid returns and should be included in any investment portfolio. When you are ready to make a move to level up your life, real estate investment should be one of the first places you look!
Getting Started
Making that first investment might be one of the most difficult moments in your investment career. Like a bird jumping from a branch for the first time, an investor making his first purchase must have confidence in their preparation and their ability to safely land.
Before making any investment purchase, you will want to have done your own independent research. Study the market, similar properties and look for a mentor you can shadow to learn the ropes first-hand.
Knowing Who To Trust
When investing in real estate, you will meet a lot of people who want to do business with you. Whether you are buying or selling, it can be difficult to know who to trust. Make sure to do your due-diligence. Make sure this person doesn’t have a history of bad deals or unsatisfied customers. It can be very beneficial to make strong contacts, creating a circle of people you can trust. Within this circle, you will want to include a CPA, a lawyer, an agent and an investment company such as Memphis Investment Houses, LLC. Buying from an investment company will allow you to easily get references and obtain the peace of mind needed when buying an investment property. Like you, we are after the best deals. We only buy and sell the best off-market properties in Memphis .
Multiplying What You Have
Once you have your foot in the door, it is time to start building… figuratively, and quite possibly literally. You can start small, and over time, turn it into something much, much bigger. Maybe you purchase a piece of land, and sell it for a profit, reinvesting in a small home. You take the rental proceeds you receive from the home each month and invest with others in a shopping center. You get the idea. It is all about taking your initial profits an building from there.
Using Other People’s Money
When you own investment real estate, you are, in essence, using other peoples money to facilitate your investments. You can collect tenants rent each month which will pay for the mortgage on the house and quite possibly have some cash left over to put elsewhere. You can also pool your investment with others to purchase something you might not have been able to do on your own.
Giving Back
Once you have achieved success in real estate investment, one of the most enjoyable things you can do is to give back to other “green” investors who were once in your shoes. There is enough to go around for everyone and by sharing what you know, you help pass down the dream of wealth through real estate. At Memphis Investment Houses, LLC, we practice this ourselves. Like you, we are investors who buy and sell in the Memphis area. It is our goal to help other investors achieve the same levels of success we have. There are many benefits to real estate investment that can help you on your way to complete and total financial freedom. We would love to share with you what we have learned!